Hey everyone, it's been a month when i last wrote something in here. I've been super busy at work. I've been filming three dance videos during the last two weeks and working my ass off like usually.
But now it's time to relax and enjoy the summer. Tommorrow I'm going Stockholm with my husband. WEHUU!!! Time for some shopping and partying!
Picture by: @rosannnasofia
Today we decided to do blog post of our new office. I've been working for my parents company for a year now. I do normal secretary tasks such as: answering the phone, writing emails, accounting etc. You name it! I am managing about 40 peoples calendars. I always have to know who is where and with who.
Tulkkauspalvelu Ästerä Oy company has almost 40 freelance interpreters in 40 different languages and my job is to send all of these people to work! Sounds easy but its not!
When it gets hectic we take a break at our nice little balcony!
Balcony view
Im going to launch my website really soon! Been working on this the hole year.
Thank you Anselmi Oksman for the design.
My parents company! Check it out if you need a interpreter let me know ;)

My new assistant Rosa Kivimäki
I got an assistant because I need someone to take care of things I don't have time to do!
I know Rosa from Rascalz Crew. I teached her for 2 years and now she is working for me.
I decided that it's better to hire a someone who really knows me well, understands what i do and shares the same passions as me.
Here is couple of question i came up for her:
1. What is your job description?
- It's hard... I do everything that she doesn't have time to do..I answer to her email often and also you might see me at center buying pantyhose's for her :DD
2. Where have you worked before?
-I Have done telephone marketing for 2 years. Also been in few stores and barbershop.
3. What is your dream job?
- I'm not sure.. I looove clothes and fashion(obsession), music and dancing ofc. I'm guessing The dream job would be
something with these things something where you could create new stuff.
4. What have you learned during this period of time?
- That it's possible to do million things at same time :D..
5. Tell us something about yourself?
-If you wanna spend all of your money or if you need personal shopper. I will make sure were both broke asses after the day (; I mean really....Also I'm good friend who always stand's for her besties(: