lauantai 11. tammikuuta 2014

CLIQUE x Game night @Sports bar O'Learys

Tonight we had a game night at a sports bar called O'Learys which is located in shopping centre Forums 3rd floor. The hole pub is full of sport pictures from basketball to american football. The menu is tasty and they even played good music. You can go wrong with that combo. LOL! 

Ok, so tonights game was Trivial Pursuit. We teamed up in groups of 3. 

Ali aka the host explaining the rules

Me, Pia & Sandra 

Meki and her sister! 

Let the game begin!


 Meki's team obviously answered the question right! MURR!! 

Ms. Patisse, Joni aka Hubby, Ali Baba (winners of the game night)

Me, Sandra & Petu

 Yeah... we weren't doing so good...

 Finally we answered something right! LOL!!

Joni, Kris & Ali 

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